How Much Can Someone Make As A Social Media Manager?


The Social Media Manager Salary is $62,898. The average Social Media Manager salary is $62,898 per year. The median salary for a Social Media Manager is $61,400 per year. There are approximately 128,000 social media managers in the US. This page includes all relevant data for determining how much an individual can expect to make as a social media manager and what it takes on their behalf to land such jobs. Social media Sydney salary is really competitive however it can benefit your agency.

The average Social Media Manager Salary is $62,898.

The average Social Media Manager Salary is $62,898. The median salary is $61,400 and the mean salary is $64,000. The mode of all Social media manager salaries was $60,000.

The median salary is $61,400.

The median salary is $61,400. This means that half of all social media managers make more than this amount, and half make less. It’s a good benchmark to compare against your own salary and see how you’re doing compared to others in your field. But it’s not an average salary because there are so many different factors involved in determining what people make in any given profession–from experience level to industry sector or geographic location–that an “average” figure wouldn’t be very useful at all!

There are approximately 128,000 social media managers in the US.

Social media managers are in high demand. There are approximately 128,000 social media managers in the US, and that number is only expected to increase over time.

Social media managers can work for a variety of industries including:

  • Technology (software developers, computer hardware manufacturers)
  • Sports (athletes and teams)
  • Entertainment (music artists)

In addition to these industries, there are also many more opportunities for social media managers outside of North America!

Another way to look at it is that there are about 15% more social media managers than there are kindergarten teachers (about 170K) and about 5% fewer than elementary school teachers (about 180K).

In the US, there are about 170,000 kindergarten teachers and 180,000 elementary school teachers. You can think of this as an indication that the field of social media management is growing in popularity.

Another way to look at it is that there are about 15% more social media managers than there are kindergarten teachers (about 170K) and about 5% fewer than elementary school teachers (about 180K).

As with many jobs, your salary will be based on your experience level and expertise.

As with many jobs, your salary will be based on your experience level and expertise. A social media manager who has been in the industry for 10 years will likely make more than one who has only been doing it for a few months.

The same goes for location: if you live in a city like New York or Los Angeles where there are more companies hiring social media managers and competition is fierce, then your salary will likely be higher than if you lived somewhere less populated and had fewer options available to work at.


Your salary will be based on your experience level and expertise. The average Social Media Manager salary is $62,898, but it can get as high as $75,000 if you have more than 10 years of experience or have expertise in a specific area like analytics or content creation. I can recommend for experience level of expertise in social media.

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