The SEO Impact Of Website Design: What You Need To Know


It’s no secret that a website needs to be designed well in order to be successful but you need also to select from the best SEO agency. But what exactly is it about the design of your site that makes it SEO-friendly? The answer may surprise you.

Why is website design important?

Website design is important because it impacts the experience of your website’s visitors.

A good user experience (UX) means that your site is easy to use and understand, providing what users are looking for quickly and with little effort. A good user interface (UI) follows this same principle by making your site easy for visitors to interact with, including buttons and menus that are intuitively placed within the layout of the page.

The second reason why website design is so important is because it impacts site speed—or how quickly a page loads on a user’s device. The faster your pages load, the better your SEO results will be because Google rewards websites that load quickly with higher rankings in their search results pages (SERPs). A quick way to check how fast or slow your site loads on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets is through Google Search Console:

Click “Search Traffic,” then “Search Analytics.” In this section you can see information about how well-positioned you are within search results for specific keywords and phrases related to what services or products you offer as well as any questions people may have about those offerings. You’ll also learn whether users clicked through from SERP listings into landing pages—and if they did not click through from SERP listings into landing pages but instead went directly to these landing pages via referrals such as links from other sources like social media posts etcetera…

Site speed and reliability

It’s not just about aesthetics. How fast your site loads is an important factor for SEO, as well as for maintaining a good user experience (UX). The faster a page loads, the better it will rank in search engines and the more likely visitors are to stick around. This is because users have been conditioned by years of using the internet to expect sites to load quickly. If they have to wait too long while they wait for your pages to load, they may lose interest or visit another site that doesn’t take so long.

There are many things you can do with your website design to improve speed and reliability:

  • Use compression technology on images and other media files so they don’t take up huge amounts of bandwidth when loading on someone’s browser.
  • Optimize code so it won’t slow down page loading times unnecessarily–for example by making sure CSS stylesheets are loaded after all other content has been downloaded first (this should be done automatically).
  • Make sure any third-party scripts being used by your website don’t interfere with its functionality; these scripts will often raise security concerns if their coding isn’t well-written or up-to-date with latest standards–and that could mean trouble for both users’ privacy/security online and search engine rankings!

Mobile-friendly is no longer an option

If you haven’t already, it’s time to make your website mobile-friendly. The benefits of a mobile-optimized site include:

  • Increased conversion rates. Mobile users are more likely to convert on your site because it is designed for their screen size and input method (e.g., keyboards vs. touch screens). In fact, according to WebpageFX’s “State of the User Experience Report,” 44% of all online purchases are made from a mobile device!
  • More traffic from Google search results pages (SERPs). Optimizing your site for the latest versions of Android, iOS and Windows devices helps Google understand that you have optimized your content for them as well—and they like that! So when someone searches for something related to what you sell or offer through Google voice search or text entry tools such as “OK Google” or Siri®, they’re more likely see yours at the top of those SERPs thanks to these optimizations

The user experience needs to be the focus

If you’re building a website, it’s easy to get caught up in the nitty-gritty of SEO. You might obsess over keywords and try to cram as many into your site as possible. Maybe you’ve even thought about using clickbait headlines or writing blogs that only talk about one subject matter—but do little else.

But when it comes down to it, none of these things matter if the user experience is poor. If people don’t go back to your site because they find it uninteresting or confusing, then no amount of clever keyword usage will help you rank highly.

Your main goal when designing a website should be making sure that users can easily figure out how everything works without having to ask questions (or look at FAQs). This means having simple navigation bars and intuitively placed buttons that lead users through every step of their journey on your site—not just where they need to go next but also why each page exists in the first place.

Make the site navigable

  • Make the site navigable
  • Ensure that your website is easy to navigate. If people can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave and go elsewhere. Use a good search engine (ahem, Google) and make sure you have a good content management system in place that allows you to keep your site up-to-date with new information.

Keep up with your content

  • Keep your content fresh, relevant, up to date, and consistent.
  • When you look at the top ranked sites in your industry on Google, how many of them have dated or irrelevant content? The ones that do are usually in the bottom half of the results. If you want people to visit your site rather than just clicking through to another one, then make sure that what’s on it is still relevant for today’s readers. If you’re not sure if something hasn’t been updated in a while, check out some news stories from around the same time as when you wrote it—they’ll give you an idea of whether other sites have covered your story since then!

By keeping things current, interesting and up-to-date on your site means more people will find value in reading what you’ve got to offer and continue coming back again and again over time – which makes sense given how much time goes into creating new content versus updating old pages with new information (the latter being much easier).

The SEO impact of website design can’t be underestimated.

The SEO impact of website design can’t be underestimated.

A poorly designed website can have a devastating impact on your search engine ranking, and it’s important to understand what makes a good website design.


We hope that we’ve been able to shed some light on the importance of website design and how it impacts SEO. We also hope you feel more confident in your understanding of how websites are designed and built, as well as how they can be optimized for SEO.

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