Pilates Can Have Some Drawbacks When Used for Low Back Pain

The Pilates Teacher Training Sydney method of exercise has become increasingly popular over the last few years. While many enthusiasts are touting the benefits of using Pilates in a well-rounded exercise program and indeed, there is nothing better for strengthening the core muscle groups, there are certain limitations to the program. Pilates is good for most people who suffer from back problems or depression, it is not appropriate for those who cannot participate in a rigorous exercise program.

The Limitations of Pilates:

1. Some exercise junkies lament the fact that Pilates do not build muscle mass. If large bulky muscles are your goal, you will not achieve them with Pilates. While although this exercise program involves skeletal and muscular involvement, with high resistance and stretching, it will not build increasingly larger muscles, but rather it lengthens and elongates muscles.

2. Some critics of Pilates also point of the fact that there are no cardiovascular benefits to Pilates in its original form. The exercise enthusiast will have to supplement the Pilates program of core and posture strengthening with cardio exercises for a more well-rounded or complete workout.

3. It is against most doctor’s advice for people suffering from Ostergenesis Imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget’s Disease, and Osteomalacia or any other bone disease to participate in Pilates exercises. It would be better for those with these diseases to choose other strength-building exercises.

4. Some critics of today’s Pilates programs point out that Pilates instructors nowadays are using exercises and equipment not originally designed by Joseph Pilates, the founder of the program. Critics say that this decreases the authenticity of the program and that by using nonapproved exercises and equipment, the proponents of the program today have actually committed fraud for profit.

5. Joseph Pilates originally developed the Pilates program over 70 years ago as physical therapy to help his patients recover from illnesses and injuries. However, these methods used in Pilates may not be appropriate for today’s physical therapy needs.

6. While Pilates has claimed to cause its practitioners to develop longer and leaner muscles, its claims of adding height to its participants cannot be substantiated. In addition, it has been found that any strength building, low impact program that uses repetition and balance will yield the same results to the core if targeting those muscles.

7. Although some Pilates trainers have claimed that using Pilates will reduce the threat of hyperthrophic muscle disease, there has been no hard evidence that Pilates can prevent this or indeed any disease.

8. The Pilates equipment has been targeted by Pilates critics as distinctive, but not quite unique, having been copied long ago from other pre-existing exercise equipment. For example, the low chair looks like a staking pommel; the high chair looks like a pommel. The pedipull could be said to look somewhat like a pulley machine and so on.

9. Pilates requires the participant to use controlled movements that employ balancing and strength. These exercises are said to be original and innovative, but critics report that Pilates are hardly pioneering, saying that it is derived from several exercise programs.

If you decide to add Pilates to your exercise routine or any other exercise program, you need to first consult a physician and consider your overall health to know whether or not adding the exercises would be beneficial for you or not.

Milos Pesic is a professional Pilates trainer and owner of popular and comprehensive Pilates [http://pilates.need-to-know.net/] website. For more articles and resources on Pilates Exercises, Winsor Pilates, Pilates Equipment and much more visit his site at:


Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Milos_Pesic/18594

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